Return and Replacements Policies

Return and replacement of product sold by NavPankh

Standard product are eligible for return with in 15 days of order date, provided same are returned in good condition.

Once the order goes in production product which include customization are not eligible for return and refund. 

If you think, you have received the product in a bad condition or if the packaging is tampered with or damaged before delivery, please refuse to accept the package and return the package to the delivery person. Also, please call our customer care at or email us at mentioning your Order ID. We will personally ensure that a brand-new replacement is issued to you with no additional cost. Please make sure that the original product tag and packing is intact when you send us the product back.


·       How Do I Cancel An Order On

If unfortunately, you have to cancel an order, please do so within 1 hour of placing the order through the call or through the mail because we try our best to dispatch it as soon as possible. For outright cancellations by you: At we make customized products once the said products are being triggered from the customer end, we start processing the same as per the guidelines. The only possibility is if the product has not been started off and your luck has favoured upon you then chances to re-customize increases, for it just drop a WhatsApp or write an email.

·       Cancellation Fees

After the product has been cancelled then the money would be transferred to your account in minimum 7-8 working days with a deduction of 10% of the amount you have paid.


·       If there is a Manufacturing Defect/Damage in Transit:

Should be reported to us immediately on the same day after you’ve received the product, the product will not be eligible for replacement if NavPankh is notified after a long period except a genuine case.

·       Refund Policy:

After the product has been cancelled then the money would be transferred to your account in minimum 4-5 working days with deduction of 10% of the amount you have paid.



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